- +Lucent Citadel
- +Orphic Shattered Shard
- +Veteran
- +
- +All Classes
- +Stonethorn (Update 27)
- Elsweyr (Update 22)
- Scalebreaker (Update 23)
- Dragonhold (Update 24)
- Harrowstorm (Update 25)
- Greymoor (Update 26)
- Stonethorn (Update 27)
- Markarth (Update 28)
- Flames of Ambition (Update 29)
- Blackwood (Update 30)
- Waking Flame (Update 31)
- Deadlands (Update 32)
- Ascending Tide (Update 33)
- High Isle (Update 34)
- Lost Depths (Update 35)
- Firesong (Update 36)
- Scribes of Fate (Update 37)
- Necrom (Update 38)
- Update 39
- Infinite Archive (Update 40)
- Scions of Ithelia (Update 41)
- Gold Road (Update 42)
- Update 43
- Golden Pursuits (Update 44)
- Fallen Banners (Update 45)
- +Excluding Private Logs
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