- +Points
- +All Bosses
- +Veteran Hard Mode
- +
- +All Regions
- +Templars
- +
- +Scribes of Fate (Update 37)
- Elsweyr (Update 22)
- Scalebreaker (Update 23)
- Dragonhold (Update 24)
- Harrowstorm (Update 25)
- Greymoor (Update 26)
- Stonethorn (Update 27)
- Markarth (Update 28)
- Flames of Ambition (Update 29)
- Blackwood (Update 30)
- Waking Flame (Update 31)
- Deadlands (Update 32)
- Ascending Tide (Update 33)
- High Isle (Update 34)
- Lost Depths (Update 35)
- Firesong (Update 36)
- Scribes of Fate (Update 37)
- Necrom (Update 38)
- Update 39
- Infinite Archive (Update 40)
- Scions of Ithelia (Update 41)
- Gold Road (Update 42)
- Update 43
- Golden Pursuits (Update 44)
- Fallen Banners (Update 45)
- +Leaderboards and Logs
- +Without Trash Skips
- +Without 3+ Min CD Restrictions
- Without 3+ Min CD Restrictions
- With 3+ Min CD Restrictions
- The restricted category limits the use of 3+ Minute CDs to prevent players from logging out between bosses.
Search Fights
Fight Length
Only show ranks with a fight length of at least seconds and no more than seconds.
Fight Date
Only show ranks that occurred after and no later than .
Raid Composition
Enter numbers in the fields to the left to restrict how many members can fill a specific role. Leave the fields blank to allow any number of players to fill the role.
Tanks Healers Melee DPS Ranged DPS
If you would like a spec to be considered, check the box next to that spec below. Leave the box unchecked if you don't care whether the spec is present or not. Use the field next to the spec to require that a specific number of that spec be present. Entering 0 in this field means that the spec must not be present.
Enter a name or ID in the field below. These abilities will match players that were the source of an event, e.g., if the player cast the ability, did damage or healing with the ability, or applied the ability as a buff or debuff. You can look for the ID in a report's abilities dropdown menu.
Enter a name or ID in the field below. These items will match if players had them equipped. IDs of specific gems and relics may also be included. You can look up item IDs in the Summary pane for specific players in a report.
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All of the recorded fights for this boss, difficulty, size and region are private.
To learn more about how rankings work on the site, you can read the rankings guide. A rank with a dark gold background is considered "at risk", since it is using tricks that will likely be hotfixed at some point in the future. If an in-game hotfix is released, then the rank will be removed. Removed ranks have a dark red background.